E-Statement Enrollment

Follow these easy steps to go paperless!

  1. To enroll in electronic statements (e-statements), login to your online banking account on our website through an internet browser. Note: The FIB Aurora mobile app does not currently support e-statement enrollment.
  2. After you have logged in, you may see a screen that prompts you to sign up for e-statements, and it lists your account(s) and option bubbles that say paper statements or e-statements alongside it. Click on the e-statements bubble next to the account(s) you wish to receive electronic statements.
  3. Then, you must click on the highlighted Terms and Conditions link. The Terms and Conditions will open in a new tab, and at the bottom of the page, there will be a confirmation code that you will enter in the previous tab where you were enrolling. After the code is entered, just click enroll!
  4. When your electronic statement is ready to be viewed, you will receive an email. They even come with check images!

If the e-statement enrollment page does not pop-up when you log in, you can access it by clicking on the “Profile” tab on the top right-hand corner of the screen.

screenshot of profile link

There will be a section titled “Electronic Statements”. Simply click the “Edit” button towards the right of the section, and follow the steps as outlined above.

Demo of electronic statements edit link

E-Statement Viewing

To view your e-statements, log into your online banking account through an internet browser, and find the documents tab under the “Accounts” header.

screenshot of accounts link screenshot of documents link

To find your e-statements, select the account from the drop-down menu and specify a date range in the search boxes. Click “Submit”, then click on the highlighted link to view your e-statements.

Screenshot of document search screen

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call or stop by the bank!

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