Mortgage Loans

Purchasing a new house? Whether you are a seasoned homebuyer, a first-time homebuyer, or you are interested in refinancing your existing mortgage, First Independent Bank offers personal service of your mortgage.


Conventional Loans

First Independent Bank offers in-house servicing of our variable rate conventional loans with 20, 15 and 10-year terms. A minimum down payment of 20% is required.


Mortgage Refinancing

Thinking about refinancing your existing mortgage, but don’t know if now’s the right time? If you’re looking to change the term of your mortgage loan, reduce the interest rate on your mortgage loan, or consolidate multiple mortgages, a First Independent Bank loan officer can help.


Interim Construction Loans

Building the home of your dreams? Our mortgage loan specialist can help guide you through the construction financing requirements then offer solutions for permanent financing upon completion.


Home Equity Loans

Refinance your existing mortgage on your homestead and take cash out for a variety of uses – home remodeling/renovations, debt consolidation, etc. Maximum Loan-to-Value is 80% of the property’s appraised value.


Home Improvement Loans

Thinking about adding on to or remodeling your home? Appraisal based on plans and specifications for final improvements is required to receive a loan.


  • For more details on our mortgage products, current rates and terms, visit with a First Independent Bank loan officer, or call (417) 678-3333. Certain restrictions, underwriting guidelines, credit scores and debt-to-income requirements apply and vary from loan to loan.



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