You should always protect yourself while conducting business online. We use a variety of technologies to help ensure our products and services are secure and are always looking for ways to improve them. Never send your personal information to us in an email AND we’ll never email or call you to ask you for your personal information as a requirement for getting additional security to manage your accounts online.

Customers often experience scams through emails and texts after purchasing goods online, even through major companies. While purchasing goods online is convenient and seems secure, scammers will mimic companies’ emails or text messages, making them look genuine to trick customers to give out personal information. BEFORE you open an email, click on a link, or reply to a text from a company, please be sure to verify your order details and any charges on the company website. NEVER give your personal information through a unsecure channel like an email or text. Remember, if it seems suspicious or out of the ordinary, it is best to investigate before you give out any information.

To report suspicious email or other scams please call us at (417) 678-3333.


Mobile Banking Security Tips & Best Practices

  • Download antivirus & malware software on your phone or mobile device. There are many free security applications available in the app stores.
  • Lock and secure your mobile device with a PIN or password.
  • Do not set your phone settings to auto fill with your ID or password.
  • Create strong passwords – not easy to guess – using a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters. Change your passwords often.
  • Always log off completely or close your browser after you are done using mobile banking.
  • Do not store your user names or passwords in plain text on your phone.
  • Using public WiFi access is not secure and isn’t recommended while mobile banking.
  • Be cautious in public of others viewing your mobile device and key strokes.
  • Use the FIB Aurora mobile app instead of logging on through your phone’s internet browser, and take advantage of our multi-factor authentication feature.
  • Avoid conducting banking activities on phones with modified operating systems, such as a “jailbroken” device.
  • You should always clear all personal information from your phone or mobile device before discarding it.


Online Banking Security Tips and Best Practices:

  • Use one computer exclusively for online banking activities and a different computer to surf the web and email.
  • Install anti-virus, anti-spyware, and other internet security software on your PC. Use it regularly and keep it updated.
  • Save frequently visited web sites in your favorites to avoid mistyping or being misdirected to illegitimate websites.
  • Use a current browser with phishing protection, web filtering, auto security update, and other safe site security.
  • Use a known search engine when unsure of a particular web site’s address.
  • Do not respond to emails (or phone calls) asking for personal information such as account numbers, account info, social security number, etc. Financial institutions know this information and will never contact you to ask for your personal information.
  • Delete email from an unknown source immediately. Many email scams count on recipients to be curious and will use dramatic subject titles.
  • Do not reply or click on a link in an unsolicited email. If you receive an email that warns you that an account of yours will be shut down unless you reconfirm your personal information, contact the company cited in the email using a known telephone number or type the web site address into your browser by hand.
  • Create strong passwords – not easy to guess – using a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters. Change your passwords often.
  • Always log off completely or close your browser after you are done using online banking.
  • If you notice suspicious activity in your accounts, report it immediately.
  • Do not open emails from unknown sources and do not open any attachments they may contain. They could contain a virus that is set to activate upon opening. When in doubt, delete the message without opening it.


What is Identity Theft and What Can You Do to Prevent It?

Identity (ID) theft is a crime where a thief steals your personal information, such as your full name or social security number, to commit fraud. The identity thief can use your information to fraudulently apply for credit, file taxes, or get medical services. These acts can damage your credit status and cost you time and money to restore your good name. You may not know that you are the victim of ID theft until you experience a financial consequence (mystery bills, credit collections, denied loans) down the road from actions that the thief has taken with your stolen identity.

Red Flags of Identity Theft

  • Mistakes on your bank, credit card, or other account statements.
  • Mistakes on the explanation of medical benefits from your health plan.
  • Your regular bills and account statements don’t arrive on time.
  • Bills or collection notices for products or services you never received.
  • Calls from debt collectors about debts that don’t belong to you.
  • A notice from the IRS that someone used your Social Security number.
  • Mail, email, or calls about accounts or jobs in your minor child’s name.
  • Unwarranted collection notices on your credit report.
  • Businesses turn down your checks.
  • You are turned down unexpectedly for a loan or job.


What Can You Do If You Think You Are A Victim of Identity Theft?

Contact all financial institutions where you have funds or credit.

Contact the credit bureaus listed below and ask them to put a fraud alert on your file.

  • Equifax: 1-800-525-6285
  • Experian: 1-888-397-3742
  • TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289

Contact your local law enforcement agency in order to file an identity theft report.



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